Sep 9·edited Sep 10Liked by Felix Futzbucker

I actually see much more of the colonialist/imperialist approach in Dune, and that remembers me the actual empires and colonizers, such as British empire or US empire. But, as a criticism on every state/war machine and hero mythology, Dune applies very well to ussr and Lenin, as well as to the whole movement of national identity that began with French revolution. Paul Atreides is not only Lenin, but JFK, Winston Churchill, Fidel Castro, Barack Obama, etc. Every leader painted as savior of something but actually slave to the logic of the empire. So funny that anyone nowadays links tyranny to ussr (frankly, a dead dog) as if it's the utmost example. It shows that american propaganda worked very well on american or americanized minds

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God bless America

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Sep 10Liked by Felix Futzbucker

I’d say gods and goddesses bless the survivors of the violence and theft of every empire. Be it the native people of the Americas (which is not a country, surprisingly), the Palestinians, the citizens of former colonies all over the world.

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Also, "Kwisatz Haderach" in mangled Hebrew is "a jump on the road", which sounds to me like a 5 year plan in 2 years.

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Let's not forget KGB and the Bene Gesserit: Both specialized in manipulation and gathering secrets. But the KGB never mastered the "Voice," they just used good old-fashioned blackmail.

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KGBene Gesserit?

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Kwisatz Gesserit Bene

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Sep 9Liked by Felix Futzbucker

The main pic lollll

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indeed quite lmao

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